Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Google Classroom and the Extension of the Classroom

Why I started using Google Classroom

I started using Google Classroom a little over a year ago with much hesitation.  In the past, I had always relied on Edmodo and found it very effective.  I liked being able to communicate with students and have them communicate with each other.  Additionally, the Snap Shot is wonderful for determining comprehension of various standards.  However, my district is a Google District and I thought Classroom might be more widely used than Edmodo.  Not that I have to do what everyone else is doing, but I think parents and students appreciate uniformity.

How I use Google Classroom in Math and Science

Students and teachers are using Google Classroom across our district from early elementary all the way through high school.  So, I feel as though making the switch was a wise choice.  This year in fact, I did not have to teach my students how to join my class because they were well versed.  Each day, I post my agenda in Classroom.  This allows students and parents (with their child's help) to access the agenda daily even when we were not using the Chromebooks in class.  I do not utilize the Assignment option because I don't have my students completing much in Classroom except for some science assignments.  Most of my posts are in the form of Announcements where I provide the agenda as well as links to websites, videos, and worksheets or tasks.  My copies have drastically gone done except for when the WiFi is not working like today and then I run frantically to the copy machine.

I should mention that I am an AVID teacher.  This means I teach my students how to take focused interactive notes.  Initially, we take the notes together so I can model proper note taking skills as well as coach students on how to use their notes to really learn.  Gradually, I release control over the notes and routinely collect them and provide feedback.  We are currently in that transition period.  The reason I bring this up is because often times, I provide videos and websites that support the learning of a particular standard and I have my students take notes on their own.  Then, they are instructed to compare their notes with a partner and add to or revise.  I am no longer the source of knowledge in my classroom but instead a coach that directs the plays but the students actually carry out the learning.  They are so much more engaged in the learning when they are in control.  Google Classroom has given me that opportunity to go about the room and help those who need my assistance and encouragement.  I feel like I have freed myself from being a performer/instructor and can now actually sit down with students in small groups and dive deep into a discussion.  With Classroom our discussions and my assistance (and the assistance of others) is not just during 1st period or 3rd period, but instead during school and the moments they need help at home as well.

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